Photos By Neil

Neil Green

Neil taking pictures of Osprey
Born in Japan, but not your average tourist with a camera in hand, he now resides in Nova Scotia. This man rarely misses an opportunity to take pictures. Wildlife, insects, fauna or birds  are studied under his ever-watchful eye.

He has proudly served with the Canadian Coast Guard for 25 years and was employed by the Navy prior to that. He spends his off time seeking subjects to conquer. He has a running check list of animals, birds and insects he would like to preserve "on film".  You'll usually find him on the side of some rural road, donned in camo clothing, sneaking up on an unsuspecting target. His efforts are rewarded with many memories and photos. 
It is truly a passion.

His composition and daring bring the best of Nova Scotia wildlife to many. Taken with a Pentax that is never far from his hand, he has come a long way from his darkroom roots.

He just sold his first professional work, a compilation of black bear pictures taken here at home and made into a calendar. Bears are a favorite subject; stories around his family's table include one of him setting up his first bear site at the tender age of five!

He has been sharing and enthralling viewers on local websites for years!

Please, go make a tea, browse the pages of this site and give yourself a moment to enjoy what Nova Scotia has to offer. We are truly blessed to live in such a diverse province.